Inspired by this post. Her blog is one of my recent favorites; I stayed up until 3 am reading her blog last night. (Oops.) I can't even begin to tell you how many things are on my bucketlist especially all the places I want to visit and more importantly the foods I want to eat. But I've accomplished a few things that I'm really proud of in my life so far, so I'd thought I'd share my list with you (because this is a really awesome idea.)

1. Volunteered 300 + hours in high school.
2. Read 97 books in my senior year of high school.
3. Stopped letting weight dictate my life and was introduced to self-love.
4. Ran a half marathon. Actually trained for that half marathon.
5. Found the courage to ask for help and went to therapy. (How I learned to drive on the freeway.)
6. Drove all the way to Half Moon Bay without crashing into anything.
7. Finished off strong in my spring semester of 2013 when I legimately considered dropping out of college in the middle of the semester.
8. Took a semester off from college. (Scariest time of my life because I ended up doubting myself every five seconds, but I made it out alive.)
9. Actually learning to use the Adobe programs, as in actually taking classes. Which translate to me not being the lazy bum I am.
10. Started off 2014 by watching the sunrise with my best friend.
11. Got into the EDM scene and saw many amazing DJS, all of whom I now love dearly, including but not limited to Gareth Emergy, Cosmic Gate, Doctor P, New World Punx (Ferry and Markus), Madeon, etc.
12. Introduced one of my friends into the EDM scene.
13. Taking a holistic nutrition program to get my certificate.
14. Started a blog. That I've actually done a decent job with keeping which is way further than anything I've attempted in the past. Big accomplishment in my books.
15. Learning how to give myself a break instead of constantly criticizing myself. (Something I thought I would never attempt to do; sometimes, I think I actually like being angry at myself or something.)
16. Went snorkeling without a life jacket on. The undersea life is so amazing - it's a must try! (Even if you're afraid of the ocean, because the view is well worth it.)
17. Learned to cook meat without killing myself.
18. Also learned how to make quiche on the first try.
19. Came into really close contact with a sea turtle once while snorkeling. Cutest animal ever.
20. My ongoing 365 breakfast project.
16. Went snorkeling without a life jacket on. The undersea life is so amazing - it's a must try! (Even if you're afraid of the ocean, because the view is well worth it.)
17. Learned to cook meat without killing myself.
18. Also learned how to make quiche on the first try.
19. Came into really close contact with a sea turtle once while snorkeling. Cutest animal ever.
20. My ongoing 365 breakfast project.
20 things since I'm 20 years old (...or possibly beause I've run out of things to list.) I can't believe I'm already/only 20 years old; it feels like such a young age, yet I feel so old. Wow, time really does pass by quickly. Speaking of which, it's already past midnight so I should be heading off to bed now. Don't want to stay up until 3 am again, ... like I have for the past two nights.
What are some things on your reverse bucketlist?
This is such a good idea :) I might do one but I'll have to think hard about it haha.